
Graphic Designer from Bolivia, with a strong focus on lettering. Super Smash Bros competitive player.

Graphic Designer from Bolivia, with a strong focus on lettering. Super Smash Bros competitive player.
I met Mathew in La Paz in the University he is currently teaching at. We sat down in a classroom, I asked him to show me some of his best sketches and then we did the interview.
I'm Mathew Prada from La Paz, Bolivia. I'm a graphic designer and everything I do is about letters. I teach typography, and I do calligraphy, lettering and type design.
Mathew sketching in his classroom
I realized it later, but I really liked everything visual ever since I was a kid. For example, I wanted to finish my math exams early so I could ask my teacher to draw. When I became a teenager, I kept drawing and started doing graffiti as well. I've been pretty lucky to know early that I wanted to learn about graphic design. When I took my first typography class, it blew my mind, and I chose to focus on that.
I wanted to finish my math exams early so I could ask my teacher to draw.
I don't really want to have a style because I just want to fulfill the communicational needs of my clients. They all need something different, and I can’t stick to one style. For some personal pieces, I really like bold and funky letters.
Too many ideas, not enough time
I have many kind of clients. Mostly, they are small businesses that need custom logotypes. For example, my last 3 clients are wedding photographers, an organization called "saving knowledge," and some posters for
Do your best and let go of the rest
Drawing letters for sure. What I like is to understand what my clients need and make sure they get something they like in the end. I never use existing fonts so they are sure that their brand is unique.
I'd love to work on my illustration skills and get better at type design because I would like to sell fonts later on.
I try to teach them which typography conveys which message along with many other correct type usage.
I don't teach type design but more how to use typography. I try to teach them which typography conveys which message along with many other correct type usage. In this University we have two semesters; for the first half, I teach 3 hours a day for 4 days a week, and I freelance the rest of the time. The second half of the year, there are less classes so I do more freelance.
I had a couple of teachers that were super inspiring, and I think I became a teacher because of them. Also, I really love letters, and I don’t want to teach anything else than that. I always thought that a good teacher is someone that really loves what he teaches and does that in real life.
I used to be really shy, but I got better talking in public and breaking the ice with people I don't know.
It's probably being a teacher because it's like an ongoing project. Other than that, I don't really have one. I have some pieces that I really like but it's hard for me to choose only one. What comes to my mind now are the invites and other designs for my own wedding and a sticker pack I made recently.
Mathew's wedding invite
Anything visual that I can see in the streets, internet or really anywhere inspires me. Lately, I've seen a lot of 80s movies, and it inspires my work.. Strangers Things style!
What I want to accomplish is that the message is always perceived before the word itself.
I pay a lot of attention to the brief; what their brand needs are and what their target audience is. As you can tell, I'm really focused on the letter style, so what I want to accomplish is that the message is always perceived before the word itself.
A bit everywhere. Out of my latest 10 clients, about 3 were from Bolivia and the rest were from Canada, Australia and the USA.
On Behance, Instagram and Facebook. Lately I've been working on Upwork as well.
It's like that Bruce Lee quote that says "It's better to practice one kick ten thousand times than ten thousand kicks once".
I would do graffiti sketches most of the time because there is a lot of freedom there. I would just start sketching whatever, and I usually get unstuck because it keeps my creativity going, and I can explore and play with any form of letters.
From my perspective, I think it's good to focus on one thing. It's like that Bruce Lee quote that says "It's better to practice one kick ten thousand times than ten thousand kicks once". I really like this mindset.
I think the best advice I got is to keep practicing, and if you find what you really like, never stop doing it; Always make that your main focus and be very persistent.
I used to read a lot of typography books, but now I spend most of my time practicing and studying the work of people I look up to.
Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia - © Robin Noguier
There are two sides of graphic design in Bolivia. First is the "operators" side, the people who only know how to use the softwares. The other side is the bachelor degree where you learn more about the creative process, concepts, theories, and skills to be an art director or a professional graphic designer.
There are way more "operators" than people that study the bachelor degree. We have more and more universities teaching graphic design, which is a really good thing. The quality of designers is also improving, and we will be better overtime.
They should study more by themselves. There is no University that will teach you everything you need to know. If you want to stand out, you need to practice, research and study by yourself. The more you work, the better you will be. Side projects are a good way to work on things you like and improve.
The design industry in Bolivia is still in development. There’s always been a constant fight between professional graphic designers, software operators, and printers without actual design studies. I think this will never end. Because of the economic situation of the country, there are tons of really small businesses that can’t pay for pro design. The good thing is that people are starting to realize the actual difference between bad and good design nowadays.
Believe in Yourself
I didn't know how the industry worked before, I just wanted to do what I loved. I didn't really worry about making a living at that time, but opportunities came to me because I kept doing it.
They should really ask themselves if that's what they want to do with their life. I know many people who studied something for many years but don’t really follow through as a career. I really advise people to really think about what they want to do.
I love 123Klan, Herb Lubalin, Ivan Castro, Frazer Adams, Hydro74, Ale Paul, Gabriel Meave.
In Bolivia, I like the work of Oscar Zalles and Salvador Pomar.